Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Essence of Captain Jack Sparrow

First, let's say that he is a captain and therefore has authority. He is an awesomely fearless character. His boat is in ruins so he probably traveled far. He doesn’t have very good logic. He is respectful to the dead and thankful for warnings although not wary of them, nor does he listen very often. He attracts attention and doesn’t matter what others think of him. He knows how to bribe people and he walks like a drunken buffoon. He is actually pretty smart. He has no sense of values and does what he pleases whenever he pleases. He’s comical and optimistic. Not really worried about things. Dramatic, fearless, endlessly lucky.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

An object that represents me.

An object that represents me… well one thing that I find represents my personality is a rainbow. It’s colorful and happy and comes with the sun. I am generally a happy person and, at least in my view, rainbows are happy things. It means that the rain is leaving and the sun is coming out from behind its covers to warm the earth below. A rainbow represents all things on Earth. Each color can be seen as a different “mood” as on a mood ring. To put it simply, a rainbow is the earth’s mood ring as it is a description of my personality. The vibrancy can represent my outgoingness and my willingness to try new things. I generally find joy in life with the exception of those days gone without sleep. My moods can range from any side of the color spectrum at any moment (which is not to say I am bipolar) however I try to keep it on the light and sunny side of life. As one song in O Brother Where Art Thou states, “Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side; keep on the sunny side of life!” Another example is as my personal “theme song” states, “Don’t worry, be happy!”
(And don't worry, I'm not a homo. I'm just a happy person.)

Saturday, September 24, 2011


There is a song that states "tears are born from fragments of pain, not sorrow or regret." That is true. You are sad because of the pain you feel due to something that happened to you. Regret is the pain of you doing something. And pain is something that happens as a result of actions that you were not in control of. But when things happen to people that it doesn't need to happen to, that's when the pain comes to you the most especially when you're supposed to protect them. What are you supposed to do when you are miles and hours away and someone needs to and you can't be there for them? Even when it's not in any way your fault, you still feel responsible when it's your little sister. What are you supposed to do when you can't do anything? The only thing that I can think of is to pray to God for help, comfort and love. That is the best thing that I have found to do. And that's the best thing that you can tell someone in need of help that you can't offer to do. So no matter how desperate, lost, alone and utterly forgotten you feel, never forget to pray because within praying is your best solace because Christ will always be there for you no matter what you have done and how bad you feel. He always loves you and will always comfort you when you feel like sinking any lower would be nearly impossible.