An object that represents me… well one thing that I find represents my personality is a rainbow. It’s colorful and happy and comes with the sun. I am generally a happy person and, at least in my view, rainbows are happy things. It means that the rain is leaving and the sun is coming out from behind its covers to warm the earth below. A rainbow represents all things on Earth. Each color can be seen as a different “mood” as on a mood ring. To put it simply, a rainbow is the earth’s mood ring as it is a description of my personality. The vibrancy can represent my outgoingness and my willingness to try new things. I generally find joy in life with the exception of those days gone without sleep. My moods can range from any side of the color spectrum at any moment (which is not to say I am bipolar) however I try to keep it on the light and sunny side of life. As one song in O Brother Where Art Thou states, “Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side; keep on the sunny side of life!” Another example is as my personal “theme song” states, “Don’t worry, be happy!”
(And don't worry, I'm not a homo. I'm just a happy person.)