Yesterday, I almost passed out and had to leave church early. Later that day, after I had fed all the guys who don't have kitchens that I know (20 people in all, guys and girls), I got together with my friend and we watched The Work and the Glory parts I & II. Halfway through part II, about midnight, my friend, her roommates and I got to talking about church and the feelings that we have about the gospel and different things in life. We got talking about how we have changed ourselves to be better. We talked about life at BYU-I and the difference it has made in our lives. We shared quotes, smiled, laughed and generally acted like girls do at midnight. And then, we got to talking about how much we love each other, the people around us, and the gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Yes, we are Mormons.
I go to BYU-I, a Mormon school. I have a deep love for this gospel. It has changed my life beyond recognition. I am always curious what kind of person I would be if I didn't grow up with the gospel. People say that a person's intent stays the same no matter what and their character doesn't change. But if I didn't grow up with the values I did, I don't know where I would be. I don't know who I would be. And because of that confusion about who I'd be, the gospel has changed my life.
It's crazy what can happen at midnight on a Sunday when you're sick and surrounded by friends that have become your sisters. There is a quote that states, "Best friends are sisters destiny forgot to give you." That is what I feel like happened for all the girls I know. I can talk to them about anything and they will be there for me. And I for them.