Saturday, May 26, 2012

A World of Shadows

Deutsch: Ich weis das ich habe versprochen zu erst in Deutsch und dan Englisch zu schreiben aber dieses mal ich schaft das nicht. Ich muss das raus von Kopf nehmen. Das ist eine neue anfang von ein Buch das ich habe für eine menge zeit versucht to schreiben und ich muss es in English schreiben. Veleicht dannach kann ich das Ubersentzen.
English: I know that I promised to write in German and then English but this time it's not possible. I need to get this out of my head. It's a new begining for a book that I have been wanting to write for a while and I need to write it in English. Maybe I can translate it later.

This world that I live in is strange. Everything around me is a shadow itself. The only light there is comes from the sun, stars, and moon. The world seems to be in an ordered chaos. Everything is different day to day but some things are the same. The sun goes up and back down. The stars and the moon shine. Even when there are clouds hiding them from view, they are always there. It gives a routine to life. And so does school. Every day I go and learn. There is always something new to learn. But even if the classes are generally orderly, most of the time there is something that breaks the order. The halls have their own ordered chaos too. Everyone is heading from one class to another, talking with people, saying hi to friends. There are also those who run through the halls recklessly, bringing greater chaos to the already chaotic halls.

But still. It feels like there is so much life around me but everything is just a shadow. Colored, moving shadows. But shadows none the less. And I am the darkest shadow of them all. I walk through the halls, dodging the milling people around me. I walk out into the sun and feel the warmth of its rays on my face. I go home and watch the stars come out at night. I wake up to the moon rising making the shadows glow. There is one question that I have running through my mind day to shadowed day: is there a reason for this shadowed world? I have tried to find the answer all my life, but still can't seem to find it hidden amoung the ordered chaos of this dark world.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

#2 - Wien

Heute habe ich ein bistien mehr geschlaffen. Ich bin frueh aufgewacht wegen meiner Mutter. Ich muss um 7:30 aufstehen und zu einen Termien gehen. Ich bin nach Karlskirche gegangen und fuer 2 stunden alles moegliche gesehen. Und dann habe mich um 13:30 uhr mit meiner Uroma getroffen. Es hat eigentlich viel spass gemacht.