“If you are a dreamer come in If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer If you're a pretender com sit by my fire For we have some flax golden tales to spin Come in! Come in!” -Shel Silverstein
Thursday, November 21, 2013
I'm sorry...
I promise I didn't mean to. If I said that, would that make it better? No. Of course it wouldn't. The ones closest to you are the ones you end up hurting the most. I can't change the past. But I can say I'm sorry. I'm sorry.... Can you ever forgive me?
Monday, April 8, 2013
There is a certain calming ability music has for me. I absolutely love it! There is nothing better than being able to calm the heart and soul with the sound of song.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
April 2013 General Conference
Saturday Afternoon
- Many voices tell us to live at a frantic pace
- Regardless of circumstances, we can always center our home and our lives on the Lord Jesus Christ
- Any decision you make is conditional on the will of the Father and the Son
- Parents must teach children to recognize the effect(s) of their action(s) on others in the home
- Christ-centered home needs: Daily personal and family prayer, Daily personal and family scripture study, Weekly family home evening
- Consistent good habits lead to bountiful blessings
- Satan is no match for the Savior
- Satan's fate is decided: he wants to take as many people with him as possible
- Used properly, many "ordinary" things can be protection against the gross horrors of society
- If we would review scripture as much as text messages, we could have hundreds of passages of scripture memorized
- Acting obediently on promptings strengthens our peace and spirit
- Selfishness is a root of great evil
- One of the greatest blessing we can offer to the world is a Christ-centered home
- Reach out to those living in adverse circumstances: being a true friend
- Welcome into your home/life others who need to be strengthened
- Do all we can to serve, to bless, and to recognize God's will in all things
- No one is abandoned but in the watch and care of a loving Heavenly Father
- A thin thread of hope isn't just a thread but a massive connection to the Savior
- Do all the things the Lord has couciled us to do: time and a season for each
- Lean, grow, and become like Him one consistent step at a time
- Living an obedient life firmly rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ provides a firm opportunity for peace and happiness
- The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the source of that Abundant peace
Quinton L. Cook
- The Stakes of Zion are a defence and a refuge from wrath poured out from the whole earth
- Agency is central to the Plan of Happiness
- It allows for all the growth, love, pain, suffering, revelations, etc. that are essencial to understanding the Savior's ministry
- We are in the midst of wolves and hated of men but as long as we endure in His name and for His sake we will be blessed
- Peace will only come upon accepting of the Gospel and Spirit of Christ
- He that doeth the works of righteousness shall recieve their reward: Peace
- Peace: a deep and abiding happiness and contentment
- The Savior's peace can blot out our hates; judgement is the Lord's
- If thou endure it well, God shall exhalt thee on high
- God is the author of Peace, Satan is the author of Confusion
- The Savior's Atonement overcomes all uncertainty und brings peace
- Where can I turn for Peace? - the Savior
- Peace of conscience is required for contentment
- The Church is a refuge of those who desire to feel and have Peace
- The Temple desoves worldly cares and brings true Peace
- "Peace, I leave with you, my Peace, I give unto you. Be of good chear. I have overcome the world." --Jesus Christ
Stanley G. Ellis
- Nothing is more true in our doctrine than the first Article of faith.
- We are not spiritual orphans
- We can learn from our Heavenly Father in many of the same ways as we can from our own parents
- There are many sources to find the Lord's ways
- Look not on his countenance or the hight of his stature - look at his heart
- Truly, God knows best
- The Lord has his was (aka THE way to love)
- There is an authorized way and time to express that love
- How we raise our children in more important than where we raise them
- Harken to our leaders' teachings, rely on the Holy Ghost, and decide
- In the gift of his son God has prepared a more perfect way
- Go forth and cry repentance unto every people
- Our Savior Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life
- Why stand ye gazing up into Heaven? Christ will come again
- Before the 2nd Comming the Gospel must go unto all four quarters of the earth
- Through the Prophet Joseph Smith Jr., the Gospel has been restored
- The Church has moved steadily across the world from nation to nation, culture to culture, people to people on the Lord's time
- All of God's children world wide are invited to take part of the Gospel
- Commit to be one of the members of the Later Day Saints
- We should have very little of that that matters least and very much of that that matters most
- The Revelations follow the Lord's pattern(s)
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ is available to all both living and dead
- Why is the principal of Chastity so important?
- Our earthly life provides a breadth and depth that would be impossible to gain in the spiritual world
- There are lessons we must learn, and experiences we must have
- The man and the woman are needed to learn from, strenthen, and bless each other
- Complete sexual abstinence before marriage and complete fedelity during marriage protects the Father's plan
- We are agencts blessed by moral agency not with immoral aditudes
- The Natural Man is the earthy man who has allowed rude animal patterns to enter into his life, being, and actions
- Men and women of Christ who righteously deny themselves and take of Christ's cross will be blessed
- We are by nature fallen and are most directly affected by our physical bodies
- The Spirit in deed is willing but the Flesh is weak
- Every impulse of the Natural Man can be overcome through the Atonement of Jesus Christ
- The overarching intent of the Father of Lies is for us to become misserable like unto him
- Satan resents us because of our physical bodies
- The Adverssary who is misserable because of the lack of a physical body attacks our physical bodies to bring us down with him
- Bridal all passsions so that we may be filled with love
- Love increases through righteous restraint
- I can think of no blessings to be more desired than those given to the pure and righteous
- Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall they confidence wax strong in the pressence of God
- Guilt is to the spirit as pain is to the body
- The extent and lenght of our repentance must match the guilt and sin commited
- Obedience to the law of Chastity will increase our spirituality and ability to love
- Plan for the day when you can serve regardless of if that service is give on a mission or not
- Missionary work can be lead in the ward
- Catch the wave of missionary work with faith and enthusiasum
- Keep all that is good and true in your life
- "This is my beloved Son. Here Him." -- God the Father
- Our living God is a loving God
- Because of the Restoration knowledge of the Gospel is now available to all people
- The Book of Mormon is added to the Bible and they are in full harmony
- The Book of Mormon is the center piece of the restorration
- The Prophets aren't perfect but there is no error in the Principles of God which they teach.
Sunday Morning
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- There are times in our mortal exhistence where we feel like we are surrounded by darkness
- The Joy and Hope of the Gospel can pennetrate that Darkness and Evil with the Savior's sweet Peace, Light, and Atonement
- If we allow the Darkness to consume us, our tourmentor (Satan) will have a final victory
- Darkness exhists but we don't have to dwell there
- Hold fast to the hope that with God's help we can be healed
- God's light is real and available to all
- God's light gives life to all things, has the power to soften the sting of the deepest wound, it can be the healing balm of the loneliness and sickness of our souls
- In the depths of Depression, it plants seeds to a brighter hope, brighten our deepest sorrows, illuminate the path before us, give us the ligth of a new dawn
- We can't wait for someone else to "flip the switch" but we need to act in faith
- "I am the light which shineth in Darkness" -- Jesus Christ
- We don't have to be perfect to experience the blessings of our Heavenly Father
- We can begin exactly where we are right now
- His light will instantly begin to enlighten, enliven, and ennoble your sould
- Turn your heart to the Lord in prayer and grattitude, letting him know of the trials and blessing, and pleading with him for his help
- Walk in the light
- Heavenly Father knows we will make mistakes
- He disires only that we rise up and become the people we are meant to be
- The Gospel teaches us the things we must know, do, and be to walk in the light
- As we seek to increase our love for God and for our Neighbor our light will be increased and we will be lifted up in the Light of God
- Rely on this promise: "I am the light of the World. Whoso cometh unto me shall not walk in Darkness but have everlasting Light." -- Christ
- Help one another to lighten burdens
- Even though we are surrounded by difficulty and trials we can be filled with light
- Our lives may be filled with or surrounded by Darkness nevertheless our living hope is in Jesus Christ, the pure, sure, and powerful enterence to Light
- Darkness cannot succeed
- Joyfully server God
- The life of Christ was filled with miracles
- Signs and miracles follow the faith of the believers
- The voice of warning shall be unto all people, all the world, all the nethermost reaches
- Faith overcomes doubt
- Even if we don't have a missionary tag pinned on our coats, paint one on our hearts
- Pray for our own opportunities to share the Gospel
- "Hold up your light that it may shine unto the World." -- Christ
- Faith will overcome doubt
- Come and feel the Spirit of the Lord
- Let's make sharing our faith online a bigger part of our lives
- At times we need to choose to follow the Traditions of our Fathers or the Gospel of Jesus Christ
- One of the gratest influences we can have in this world is through Children
- If we pray to fill children's needs their voices will be magnified
- Speak the words which are given to your heart
- Prescious time for communication can be destroyed due to distractions
- What words would you write if you had only 25 words
- My the words we speak and write to our children reflect the love of our Heavenly Father
- Watch and learn
- No relationship of any kind other than marriage can let people grow and build stronger relationships
- The best marriages are built of the foundations of faith and obediece and being good
- Faith grows as we keep the commandments
- Repentance helps restore and maintain harmony and peace
- Husbands and wife seek to bless and help each other, putting the other's needs before their own in any discision
- Husbands and wives in great marriages make dicision unanimously
- Successful marriage partners are undyingly faithful to their companion
- Cleave unto your partner and none else
- Establish your marriage as your first priority
- Successful couples love each other with complete devotion
- Keep the commandments and trust the Lord
- Marriage is a gift from God to us
- The quality of our marriage is a gift form us to Him
- Our next best course is to put in our hands such modern revelations and principles of the Gospel of the Restorration
- Obedience to law is liberty
- Satan's back-up plan is to tempt men and women to misuse our agency
- Never underestimate how driven Satan is to succeed
- Men are free according to the flesh
- Live the commandments of God
- Life itself is a poragative of God
- Sin will ALWAYS be sin
- Promised blessings DO NOT CHANGE
- In a world where the moral of the world is following, we must not pick and choose which commandments are important to keep but must keep all the commandments
- May we be a light on the hill
- Behold and lo the Lord is God
- Truth abideth forever and ever
- Truth will weather the worst unchanged evermore
- Truth is knowledge of things as they are, were, and are to come
- No man recieveth the fullness unless he keepeth God's commandments
- Truth comes to us as we are obedient to the commandments of God
- Enjoy each minute of each hour of each day
- Never once did Nephi fail to do what the Lord asked of him
- To Abraham: In thy seed shall all nations be blessed because thou has obeyed
- The exhaltation of this people lie in walking in obedience to the council of God
- It is essencial for us to realize that we are entitled to this strenght and source of Knowledge
- Never question, murmer, or make excuses
- The great test of this life is obedience
- Follow thou me
- Willingly obey the Lord's commandments
Sunday Afternoon
Jeffery R. Holland
- Help thou mine unbelief
- Hold the ground you have already wond even if that ground is limited
- Stand strong until additional knowledge comes
- Even a grain of faith can work mightly miracles
- The integrity you deminstrate of the faith you do have and the things you know is what's most important
- It's ok to express doubt but also express faith
- Don't let questions belittle your faith
- We have more faith than we think we do
- What we know will always trump what we do not know
- Everyone is to walk by faith
- Imperfect people are all God has had to work with. God is dealing with it, and so should we
- We are finite vessels so be patient, kind, and forgiving
- Do not be afraid to ask for help
- God sends help from both sides of the veil to strengthen our belief
- Belief is a prescious word and an even more prescious act
- God is at all times, ways, and circumstances our forgiving Father in Heaven
- Christ was and is his perfect son who rose from the dead and because he did you and i will also
- If your faith is tried at this or any season, I invite you to lean on mine
- Because we are of God and loved by Him, the World hates us
- Following Christ is not a casual or occasional instance but a continuing and committed way of life
- Men aught always to pray
- Frequent personal prayers and kneeling family prayers are founding principles of this Churc
- Seek out any of the flock who have strayed
- Love thy neighbor as thyself
- By this shall man know that ye are my diciples if you love one another
- Fasting to help the hungery with good intent can become a spiritual experience
- Bring Christ's teachings to every nation, people, and creature
- Be ye therefore perfect
- Seeking perfection is part of God's plan to return to Him
- If Children of God, Heirs of God
- Achieving this ultimate destiny in the eternities is our ultimate goal
- Ours is a quest of eternal life
- We are made in the image of God
- The Father is the litteral fathe of Jesus Christ
- The Book of Mormon testifies of the Gospel of God alongside the Holy Bible
- The Son can do nothing of himself but what he sees the Father do
- Christ reverently and submissively turns his Will towards God
- The Father and the Son are distictly seperate beings but are one in will and works
- This greater gospel holds the keys of the Kingdom
- We are the Children of our heavenly father
- The Temple is the place
- In order to contend you need two people. Don't be one of them
- Participating in celestial marriage is not enough. We must also live a celestial life
- The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me
- We should use the technology we have to tell others we love them
- How wise are the words of our savior "search the scriptures"
- How sweet are thy words to my taste yea sweater than honey to my mouth
- Don't just know the Gospel but live it
- Even when we mess up, our Father still loves us and has confidence in us
- Seeking acceptance from the wrong sources for the wrong reasons limits us
- Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost accept us for who we are and are striving to become
- Know that our hearts ar honest and broken, our spirits are contrite, and be willing to observe our covenants by sacrifice as commanded by the Lord
- Engage in self reflection
- What no one else around us knows we surely know
- A broken heart is soft, open, and receptive
- We must open the door to our hearts
- Acknowledge sins and shortcommings
- Live day to day as a true disciple of Christ
- Partake of the sacrament each week
- Reach out to those standing by the wayside and need to be spiritually rescued
- Stand firmly and faithfully when the storms of life surround us
- Well done, though good and faithful servant who has been faithful of even a few things
- Fear not, little children, for you are mine and I have overcome the world
- Fear not, for I have overcome the world
- Our courage will be taxed and our faith extended
- Do not fear the future for God is with us
- There will be peace in Zion and in her stakes
- Though times may be trying we will find refuge in the stakes of Zion
- The power of the lamb of God will descend upon the people of the Lord in great glory
- Remain true to the Church and let the Spirit be our guide
- Trials will come and we may not understand but if we turn to the Lord he will give us strenght, knowledge, and power
- Always radiate good cheer
- Don't let your faith dim in the storms of life
- Let your good cheer flow from an abiding love and trust in the Savior
- Why seek ye the living amoung the dead
- The savior's redemption has 2 parts: 1) overcoming fallen man through physical and spiritual death and 2) our own sins furthering the fall
- Know good from evil
- All men everywhere must repent
- Justice will also make right the suffering we have innocently suffered by the hands of others
- Missionary work is an incredible expression of the Lord's redeeming love
- We can assist with gathering both the living and the dead
- Do good in the redemptive manner of the Master
- Use what we are give to become honest men
- Some redemption comes through collaborative effors through the church
- Often we need more help and not more problems but the problems are often help in disguise
- As disciples of Christ we aught to do all we can to redeem others from suffering and sorrow
- Perfect justice and infinite mercy come from God
- May we long remember what we've heard these last two days
- Be good neighbors in our communities
- Be tollerant and kind and loving to those not sharing our beliefs and standards
- May we ever follow his example
- Be ever aware of those needs around us
- Extend a helping hand and loving heart to those who are lonely and in need of help
- There are always opportunities and reasons for rejoycing
- If we put our hands to the Lord he will help us through our difficulties whatever they may be
- May we be humble and prayerful, faithful that Heavenly Father can guide and bless us in our lives
- God lives and hears the prayers of humble hearts
- His son speaks to each of us: I stand at the door and knock, open the door and I will come in to him
- May our homes be filled with peace, harmony, courage, love, and the spirit of the Lord
- May the teachings of God be a protection to us and a buffer and a protection against Satan
Best Friends
That moment when your best friend tells you something that is hard to tell for multiple reasons and you tell something back that is hard in the same ways. I had one of those tonight. I'm so glad I have friends I can count on that wont judge me and will still accept me for who I was back then and who I am today and doesn't question any of the in betweens.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Little Hands, Little Feet
An anthropologist put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told the children of an African tribe that whoever got there first won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run, they all took each others hands and ran together, then sat together enjoying their treats. When he asked them why they had run like that when one could have had all the fruits for himself they said, "Ubuntu, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?" Ubuntu in the Xhosa culture means "I am because we are."
How amazing is that? Little children grasp a concept we adults tend to forget. Who knew that we can learn such powerful lessons from those years younger than us and with significantly less experience?

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