Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jonathen Smith's Testimony

As of Monday March 26, 2012, the Testimony of Jonathen Smith, as posted by him on Facebook stands as follows:

"Tomorrow eve I board the plain to the "best two years;" two years of dedicated service to God. I do this because I have a knowledge that the LDS gospel is true and good: I have searched and tested it and it holds true. I would encourage all who read this to take as their personal maxims—as I have—the pursuit goodness and the pursuit of truth, never compromising the one or the other. For me, this had led me to believe that learning kindness—learning to empathize and care about all we come in contact with—and that seeking understanding backed by evidence is the way to living fully, beautifully, and rightly. It has taught me this: be first always loving and forgiving, then open-minded, and lastly constructively skeptical; but don't leave out any part. It takes all parts to make a life whole. It is in understanding an idea, working accordingly, and right desire we gain truth and happiness. Learn to put a "pause" on questions you cannot yet overcome, realize many seemingly logical conclusions fall false if you test them yourself and, despite the criticisms of others who have no better ideas, have faith in what you see to be good and true. That's my testimony. Till we meet again~"
Who knows what the next two years will bring to his testimony. I am excited to see!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


In my entire life, I have honestly never forgotten to take a test. Forget it was that day until the class, yes. But forget about it entirely, to space out on the day that it closes, never. Thankfully, I can make it up but honestly, nothing is more frustrating than forgetting something that is crucial to your grade. Luckily, there is a test every week for this class, but the grades are mainly based on these tests. I have never felt so frustrated over such a simple thing in my entire life. But it's my own fault. I have no one else to blame.